ellen mcbee

She's always up to something…

Excitement galore!

on September 1, 2016

Ah, I’m finally back in my office!

Every time I think things are settling down and everything is getting back into its routine, something new happens. This time it was a broken computer; not mine, my son’s. It just stopped turning on when we were at Mom’s house. So, husband ordered him a new one. Which right out of the box was broken.

Then we had a few weeks of son using my computer and me getting no work done. Son is taking 7 AP classes this year, and did most of his summer assignments on my computer, on my desk, in my office. Know how much work I got done? If you guessed “none,” you are mostly correct!

It’s OK though. I sent the book out for Beta reads and have already decided I cut too much of the back story, so I have started restoring some. Not very much. I still think it brings the story to a grinding halt. I even thought about a new beginning, but no, I like my beginning. It’s really the first time I have taken a stand on some particular thing in the book; this time, I like the beginning.

I’m also Beta/critiquing a book for one of my readers. I’m slow, because computer issue. The big desktop I got from my husband freezes up once a day.

Finally, husband ordered son a new laptop, which has been working for a week. But during the time he had mine, he left it on the edge of my desk in my office and guess what? It fell over (or the dog knocked it over) and now the screen has little thread lines on it! Husband is coming home Sunday and I am getting a laptop of some description that doesn’t have a broken screen.

There’s always research, right?

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